Friday, August 08, 2008

The American Taliban

Oh goodness. A friend just sent me the link to a web page that is full of quotes by members of the religious right. And I don't mean just any old quotes. These will curdle your blood. Here's a sample:

The Christian community has a golden opportunity to train an army of dedicated teachers who can invade the public school classrooms and use them to influence the nation for Christ.

-- James Kennedy

And another one:

Yes, religion and politics do mix. America is a nation based on biblical principles. Christian values dominate our government. The test of those values is the Bible. Politicians who do not use the bible to guide their public and private lives do not belong in office.

- Beverly LaHaye

Just go look. If you have the stomach for it, that is.

1 comment:

  1. That James Kennedy quote is exactly what is being done in rural areas of Pakistan by the fundamentalist Muslim clerics. In many areas those are the only schools around. Except instead of a nation for Christ, it's a nation against the U.S.

    There are so many horrendous ways in which the tenets of Christianity are interpreted that it really frightens me. Especially because these are people who hold tremendous power within our government. And it's very difficult to argue with someone who believes that God is directing his/her life.


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