Friday, August 29, 2008

Breaking news

McCain has announced Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Look at this from Wikpedia:

She hunts, eats moose hamburger, ice fishes, rides snowmobiles, and owns a float plane. Palin holds a lifetime membership with the National Rifle Association. She admits that she used marijuana when it was legal in Alaska, but says that she did not like it.

Robert Arena on AMERICAblog says this:

This is a HUGE hail mary pass on McCain's part in an attempt to win over former Hillary voters. Pail is pro-life, anti-gay rights, pro-guns, and has only been Governor for a year and a half. Pat Buchanan just called it the biggest political risk in history.

Well, what can I say. It certainly is a surprise. (I was just sure it was gonna be Lieberman...)

UPDATE: Here's a comment I found on Alternet:

John McCain just blew the election. He must think we're all morons to have selected her for the VP slot! He really DOESN'T get it! Women who supported Hilllary know Hillary - for decades now - and Hillary was running for the Presidency - and some might reasonably argue that she's proven herself to be qualified for the position. This unknown, very UNQUALIFIED young, attractive woman is definitely NOT Presidential material and everyone (even she) knows it. What sane person will vote for John McCain now? He's 72 and chances are good that he might actually die while in office. Think about it - and then we get stuck with this very untested, unqualified unknown? Who would want her representing this whole great country? It just proves that McCain lacks good (or even sane) judgement. Talk about risky! Congratulations, Obama - this should put you in the White House for sure.

I agree with this person and I dearly hope he or she is right.

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