Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hiroshima Day

Please watch this. It's only 90 seconds long:

(Hat tip to Charlotte Alexandre)


  1. Wow--that's mind-boggling. I'll have to take this one from you, too. Ellie, you're a marvel at finding thought provoking items. Thank you.

  2. I stumbled upon your site . . . I used to meditate and I can tune into the ideas you are sharing here. Sorry this is off topic of Hiroshima Day, but I just wanted to say "hi".

  3. Welcome, Lethe. You might like my meditation blog which is Meditation Matters.

    It's never too late to start meditating again!

    Would love to hear from you again.

  4. I found this thru Jan & it is well worth reposting at my place, too. Thanks so much!

  5. Any time, Border Explorer. Come back sometime!


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