Saturday, August 09, 2008

Edwards and McCain and sex

Well, Edwards was really stupid, wasn't he? Did he really think he wouldn't get caught? Be that as it may, I really agree with the point of an article entitled "Media Salivate Over Edwards' Affair; Shrug Shoulders Over McCain's Alleged Infidelity". Here's a paragraph:

I personally don't care who any of these people are sleeping with (especially McCain). Marriage is a very complicated institution and I don't pass judgment on how others conduct theirs. I think this is all bullshit. But if the media has decided that even a failed politician who has no chance at the presidency can be subject to this kind of scrutiny, then they need to be a little bit more vigilant about pursuing someone who is the nominee of his party and has been very publicly linked to a specific woman by the paper of record, not the National Enquirer. If these are the rules, then this guy is a far more likely subject of scrutiny than Edwards.

But remember how it seems to work in this country: IOKIYAR (It's Okay If You're A Republican).

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