Friday, August 01, 2008

What a curse!


I've had my mind on Cassandra today - the prophetess who was cursed by Apollo by being given the gift of foresight only never to be believed.

I identify with her - have for a long time.

Someone apologized to me this morning. Eight years ago I predicted pretty much everything that has happened with the Bush administration and this person did not believe me - in fact, thought my warnings were really psychiatric symptoms!

What can I say?


Just sigh.

(By the way, if you really want to understand Cassandra, read The Firebrand by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I recommended it to a priest friend in South African who gave a copy to all her female priest colleagues. The book powerfully explores what priesthood is all about and the special difficulties women face in the vocation. Bradley was actually a wonderfully astute theologian although she is seldom credited as such.)


  1. Ellie, I had a friend who thought the Iraq War was a good thing. She thought the "Mission Accomplished" moment of Commander Codpiece was great. She had sharp words for me.
    "How do YOU know there are no weapons of mass destruction?" She took umbrage when I said that the appearance on the carrier was idiotic and replied, "That was an inspirational moment for the troops." She spoke quite sharply to me. Things have not been the same between us since. I concluded that we could not discuss the war and Bush, and we gradually drifted apart.

    I know the Cassandra feeling well.

  2. Thanks for understanding, Mimi!

    (And I feel pretty good that I actually got an apology from this person...)


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