Thursday, June 24, 2010

U.S. ranking on health care report

This is just pathetic.

Look at the headline:

U.S. scores dead last again in healthcare study

And now here's an excerpt:

Americans spend twice as much as residents of other developed countries on healthcare, but get lower quality, less efficiency and have the least equitable system, according to a report released on Wednesday.

The United States ranked last when compared to six other countries -- Britain, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand, the Commonwealth Fund report found.

I hope the Republicans pay attention to this report. I realize they don't care whether the system is equitable or not but they may want to look at the following conclusion:

"The lower the performance score for equity, the lower the performance on other measures. This suggests that, when a country fails to meet the needs of the most vulnerable, it also fails to meet the needs of the average citizen," the report reads.

Whether people like it or not, we really are all in it together.

1 comment:

  1. Americans spend twice as much as residents of other developed countries on healthcare, but get lower quality, less efficiency and have the least equitable system

    I'm not sure how this is even possible!!

    Mind you Britain's health care system is not exactly perfect.


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