Monday, October 16, 2006

Still another effect of global warming

The Wall Street Journal reports the following:

[O]ne cubic meter of ice weighs just over a ton, and glaciers can be hundreds of meters thick. When they melt and the water runs off, it is literally a weight off Earth's crust. The crust and mantle therefore bounce back, immediately as well as over thousands of years. That "isostatic rebound," according to studies of prehistoric and recent earthquakes and volcanoes, can make the planet's seismic plates slip catastrophically, and cause magma chambers that feed volcanoes to act like bottles of shaken seltzer.

"It's unavoidable that glacial retreat will induce tectonic activity," says geoscientist Allen Glazner of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
"Recent findings reinforce the idea that the solid earth and the climate are inextricably linked," says Prof. Glazner.

So, we've got more earthquakes and volcanic activity to look forward to.

Do take note of the fact that it's the very conservative Wall Street Journal reporting here. The only non-believers now are members of the right-wing lunatic fringe. And still, Bush is supressing the science on climate change. It's not that he doesn't believe in the science; of that I'm convinced. It's that he cares more about short term profits for his rich corporate friends.

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